Heathrow Airport Radio Frequency List

If you’re lucky enough to have a scanner and visit London Heathrow to do a bit of plane spotting then you’ll have the joy of listening in to all the comms by using these frequencies. Although ensure you obey the law.

While you listen in, you can also see traffic with these tracking tools.

It is easier to recieve transmissions from aircraft if you’re at ground level than it is to listen to transmissions from the ground, due to requiring line of sight. Some weather conditions such as a cloud layer can help reflect ground transmissions to make them easier to recieve. I live less than 10 miles from Bovingdon and in the correct conditions can hear the ATIS broadcast despite it being behind a hill from my location.

There are several Heathrow ATC frequencies, relevant to different areas and activities. The following is a list of Heathrow ATC frequencies.

A note on accuracy I’ve recently been updating frequencies, they can change from time to time. I’ll add dates next to ones I have checked as and when.

List of Heathrow Airport Frequencies

Here are the main airport frequencies, followed by their callsign. For more help listening check our Heathrow radio guide.

ATIS: 113.75 – listen on ATIS for current weather and other aerodrome information. This is also the Bovingdon (BNN) beacon hence the morse code. Also 128.075

Departure ATIS: 121.85 – Departure information.

Radar: 125.625, 127.52 – “Heathrow Radar”

Approach: 119.725, 120.40, 121.50, 127.525, 134.975 (119.90 – 125.625 for VFR and Heli flights) “Heathrow Director”

Tower: 118.50, 118.70, 124.47 “Heathrow Tower” – Landing and departing flights, and runways. Usually planes are handed to a tower frequency.

Ground: 121.90, 121.70, 121.85 “Heathrow Ground”

Company Frequencies

British Airways: 131.55 – 123.65 – 131.80

More to come…

Listen to Heathrow ATC online?

If you came looking to tune in and listen to live Heathrow airport radio online, I’m afraid this is not possible. It’s been deemed illegal to let you listen in this way, your best option is to buy a airband radio and either visit Heathrow, or get a very large aerial – and tune into the LHR atc frequencies listed above! Please be sure to read the law on using scanners to listen to UK ATC.

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